In July 2011, it was a small idea – workshops for women who want to learn to code but it quickly grew into so much more. Today, Ladies Learning Code has Chapters across Canada, thriving youth programs called Girls Learning Code and Kids Learning Code, Canada’s first travelling computer lab — the code:mobile and we are a major force shaping digital literacy education in Canada. Oh, and we’re just getting started.
Ladies Learning Code started with a tweet. Heather Payne knew there had to be a better way to learn to code than struggling on her own. She wasn’t the only one. The response was immediate and enthusiastic. The founding team – Heather Payne, Laura Plant, Melissa Sariffodeen and Breanna Hughes launched our first workshop, an Introduction to JavaScript, on August 6th, 2011 and tickets sold out in a day. So they planned another workshop. And another. Now, over four years later, Ladies Learning Code operates in 22+ cities across the country and has had over 25,000 learners attend one of our workshops.
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